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Souvenir of Coubron Camille Corot


Camille Corot Paris, 1796 – Paris, 1875

Culture French
Date 1872
Object type painting
Medium, technique oil on canvas

46.4 x 55.7 cm

Inventory number 362.B
Collection Department of Art after 1800
On view Hungarian National Gallery Building D, First Floor, From Courbet to Baselitz. Collection of International Art after 1800

Corot’s three paintings in Budapest well represent the most significant stages and genres of his oeuvre. Alongside an early, classicising landscape painted in the vicinity of Rome and a rustic portrait of a woman executed at the end of the 1860s, the Souvenir de Coubron represents the artist’s mature style, which also brought him great success and appreciation. From 1867 Corot paid several visits to the Gratiot family in Coubron. During the course of a longer stay in 1872, he painted six pictures, including the Budapest one, which in Roubaut’s oeuvre catalogue was given the subtitle Woodcutter and Peasant Woman in a Meadow by a Willow Forest.

Ferenc Tóth


Kovács, Éva, “Les tableaux de Corot en Hongrie/Corot képei Magyarországon”, Bulletin du Musée Hongrois des Beaux-Arts/Szépművészeti Múzeum Közleményei 11 (1957), p. 85-91, 136-138.

Genthon, István, Modern francia festmények: Szépművészeti Múzeum Budapest, Remekművek magyarországi gyűjteményekből/Meisterwerke aus ungarischen Sammlungen/Art treasures in Hungarian collections/Chefs d’oeuvre dans les collections hongroises, Corvina, Budapest, 1972, p. 9.

Illyés, Mária, Verő, Mária (ed.), XIX. századi francia művek, A Szépművészeti Múzeum gyűjteményei/The Collections of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest 4, Szépművészeti Múzeum, Budapest, 2001, p. 84-85.

Ruttkay, Helga (ed.), Múzeumi Kalauz: Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, A Magyar Nemzeti Galéria kiadványai, Szépművészeti Múzeum – Magyar Nemzeti Galéria, Budapest, 2018, p. 236.

Treasures from Budapest : European and Hungarian masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest and the Hungarian National Gallery: Japan-Hungary friendship 150th anniversary: Exhibition at the National Arts Centre, Tokyo, on the 150th anniversary of the Japanese-Hungarian friendship 2019.12.04 – 2020.03.16., Nikkei Inc, Tokyo, 2019.

This record is subject to revision due to ongoing research.

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