
Naturalism 2022 Budapest | Conference


Naturalism 2022 Budapest | Conference

Villa Lónyay-Hatvany, Budapest
June 16, 2022

09:30 - 17:00:00

Naturalism in Painting 1870–1905
Conference of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest
16–17 June 2022
Villa Lónyay-Hatvany, Budapest

In Hungarian, French and English language, with simultaneous interpretation in all three languages


Concept by:
Eszter Földi, Orsolya Hessky, Réka Krasznai, András Zwickl
Members of the research group Realism and Naturalism in Hungary and Europe, Hungarian National Gallery, a programme supported by the NKFI Funds

 Thursday, 16 June

9.30 Registration

9.50–10.00 Welcoming speeches (György Szücs, Deputy Director for Research, Orsolya Hessky, Senior Curator, Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest)

Theoretical Questions of Naturalist Painting

Chair: Károly Tóth (Central European Research Institute for Art History (KEMKI), Budapest, Deputy Director for Archives and Documentation)

Zsófia Sepsey (Hungarian National Gallery, Art Historian-Museum Educator, Eötvös Loránd University Budapest, Doctoral School of Literature, PhD student): The Origins and Key Figures of French Literary Naturalism (in Hungarian)

Eszter Földi (Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Budapest, Adjunct Professor): Different Interpretations of Naturalist Painting (in Hungarian)

Orsolya Hessky (Hungarian National Gallery, Senior Curator): The Emergence of Naturalism in Contemporary Press (in Hungarian)

György Szücs (Hungarian National Gallery, Art Historian, Deputy Director for Research): Béla Lázár on Naturalism (in Hungarian)

Agnieszka Kluczewska-Wojcik (Polish Insitute of World Art Studies, Warsaw, Vice President): Painting as a Test of Truth. Stanisław Witkiewicz and debates on Naturalism in Poland (in French)

12:00–13:30 Lunch break

13.30–15.00 Tour in the collections of the Hungarian National Gallery, Budapest

Coffee break

Questions of Technique

Chair: Csilla Csorba (Art Historian)

Éva Somos (Restorer): The Naturalist Painting Technique (in Hungarian)

Ágnes Kovács (Aesthete, Art Historian): Eternal Anachronism or the Phoenix Rising from the Ashes? The Munich Academy and the Teachableness of Arts (in Hungarian)

Alain Bonnet (Université de Bourgogne, Professor): The Academy Struck by Naturalism (in French)

Zsuzsa Farkas (Art Historian): The Effects of Photography on Visual Culture in the Period between 1880–1900 (in Hungarian)


Friday, 17 June

Case Studies

Chair: Réka Krasznai (Hungarian National Gallery, Senior Curator)

Dominique Lobstein (Art Historian): The Forming and Spread of Naturalism: The Case of Pascal Dagnan-Bouveret (in French, online)

Benjamin Foudral (Musée et Pôle Courbet, Ornans, Curator-Director): The “Little Bastiens” of Belgium: French Naturalism in “Young” Belgium (in French, online)

Marketa Theinhardt (Université Paris IV – Sorbonne, Associate Professor): A Lost Generation? Czech Realist Painters in France (in French, online)

Katarina Benova (Comenius University, Bratislava, Associate Professor): Dominik Skutecký – From Venice to the Copper Mills (in English)

Coffee break

The Network of Naturalism

Chair: Enikő Róka (Budapest History Museum, Senior Curator, Head of the Municipal Gallery)

Luca Dsupin (Hungarian National Gallery, Curator): Goupil and His Clients: Munkácsy, Gérôme, Meissonier, Breton, Alma-Tadéma (in Hungarian)

Ferenc Tóth (Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, Senior Curator): International Naturalist Tendencies in Exhibitions and Public Collections in Budapest (in Hungarian)

Anna Zsófia Kovács (Museum of Fine Arts Budapest, Senior Curator): Jules Bastien-Lepage’s Retrospective Exhibition in 1885 at the École des Beaux-Arts and its Impact in the Artist’s Reception in Europe (in French)

András Zwickl (Hungarian National Gallery, Senior Curator, Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design, Associate Professor): Simon Hollósy and Naturalism (in Hungarian)

12:30–14:00 Lunch break

On Hungarian naturalist memorabilia: who do we consider naturalists and why?

Chair: György Szücs (Hungarian National Gallery, Art Historian, Deputy Director for Research)

Gábor Bellák (Hungarian National Gallery, Senior Curator): Facing Reality – Naturalist Examples (in Hungarian)

Adrienn Prágai (Hungarian National Gallery, Curator): Genres, Themes, Groups – Typification Experiments in the Naturalist Paintings of the Hungarian National Gallery (in Hungarian)

Correferation: Réka Krasznai (Hungarian National Gallery, Senior Curator): The Appearance of Hungarian Naturalist Painting at Representative Exhibitions Abroad at the Turn of the Century (in Hungarian)

Coffee break

Discussion and conclusions

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Registration link for online viewers (streaming)
Password: 2022

NKFI Fund Programme

The co-organizer of the conference is the Batthyány Lajos Foundation.

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